Reliable transport of dangerous goods

Shipping hazardous goods safely - reliably and quickly

Many years of experience with hazardous goods transport

Special care and expertise are required when transporting hazardous goods. The qualifications of our lorry drivers and our modern, well-equipped vehicles ensure that your sensitive goods reach their destination safely and on time.

Whether chemicals, flammable substances (including batteries) or other hazardous goods - we are your reliable partner for safe transport. With us, you can rely on a smooth process and compliance with all legal regulations.

We offer:

  • Experience & Reliability
  • Trained staff and trained drivers (ADR certificate)
  • Strict compliance with ADR regulations
  • Appropriately equipped and tested vehicles for the transport of dangerous goods (in accordance with ADR regulations)
  • GPS-Tracking
  • Trained personnel to monitor the transport regulations
  • Advice from our dangerous goods specialist, our authorised person for dangerous goods (person involved in the transport)
  • The external dangerous goods officer monitors all actions

Transporting hazardous goods with euro.COURIER

We transport dangerous goods of classes 1 to 9 in accordance with the GGVS.

These classes cover various hazardous substances that are categorised based on their specific properties and risks. Each class requires special measures regarding packaging, labelling and transport to ensure the safety of people and the environment. The meanings of the individual classes can be found here.

Always there for you personally.

When it comes to hazardous goods, Mr Harnisch ensures safety and compliance with all regulations.

We will be happy to advise you by telephone or e-mail regarding the transport and storage of your hazardous goods.

An IBC with chemical liquid and hazardous goods labelling secured on a euro.COURIER truck

Please note the following for the transport of dangerous goods:

  • Specify the number, dimensions and weights of the packages.
  • The packages must be correctly labelled with UN number, packing group (if available) and dangerous goods class.
  • When transporting radioactive materials, please contact our dispatch department.
  • Hire us when security is required!

Advice on the transport of dangerous goods by road

Are you planning to transport hazardous goods? Always commission specialists to protect you from damage. You are in safe hands with euro.COURIER. We will be happy to provide you with advice.

Driver attaches radioactive class 7 sticker to the rear, hazardous goods

Always up to date:

  • Compliance with all ADR regulations and additional national provisions is monitored on an ongoing basis.
  • Regular staff training: This ensures that we are always informed about the applicable provisions and regulations (Dangerous Goods Transport Act) at national level.
  • GPS-monitored vehicles

FAQ on the subject of dangerous goods

We answer questions on this topic below. You can also contact us at any time if you have any questions about our logistics. Contact us



What is dangerous goods?

In logistics, hazardous goods are materials or substances that can be dangerous during transport, storage or handling. These include chemicals, flammable, explosive substances and radioactive or corrosive materials. These require special precautions and knowledge and must always be labelled. They are categorised into nine classes and are subject to strict regulations.

What is ADR?

ADR stands for "Accord européen relatif au transport international des marchandises dangereuses par route" or "European Agreement concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road". This agreement regulates the cross-border transport of dangerous goods by road in Europe and beyond. There are currently 54 ADR countries worldwide. It contains regulations and standards for:

    ● Packaging: Ensuring that dangerous goods are transported in suitable and safe containers.
    ● Labelling: Guidelines for the correct marking and labelling of dangerous goods to facilitate identification and handling.
    ● Documentation: Required transport documents and information to inform the carrier and consignee of the nature of the hazard.
    ● Vehicles: Requirements for the equipment and construction of transport vehicles.
    ● Training: Training and certification of drivers and other persons involved to ensure that they have the necessary knowledge and skills to transport dangerous goods safely.
    ● Safety measures: Measures to prevent accidents and protect people and the environment in the event of an accident.

    The ADR is regularly updated to take account of new findings and developments in the transport of dangerous goods and to continuously improve safety.

What is the GGVSEB?

The Ordinance on the National and International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road, Rail and Inland Waterways (Dangerous Goods Ordinance for Road, Rail and Inland Waterways - GGVSEB) of 17 June 2009 replaced the "Dangerous Goods Ordinance for Road and Rail - GGVSE" and the "Dangerous Goods Ordinance for Inland Waterways - GGVBinSch" on 25 June 2009. The predecessor to this is still known today as the GGVS, the Ordinance on the National and International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road (Gefahrgutverordnung Straße - GGVS), the last ordinance of which was incorporated into the GGVSE and its successor GGVSEB.

The ordinances regulate the national and international transport of dangerous goods by various modes of transport in Germany.  Changes in the international legal standards ADR, RID and ADN always require an adaptation of the national GGVSEB.

It would otherwise only be possible to impose the corresponding safety obligations on those involved in the transport of dangerous goods for every possible situation at an unjustifiably high cost. The regulation therefore places a general obligation on all parties involved to take precautions to prevent damage. The precautions should be tailored to the type and possible effects of foreseeable hazards.

For example, when exceeding the speed limit, a driver must assume that a collision with another vehicle could result in the uncontrolled release of dangerous cargo and cause considerable environmental damage. This would therefore be a foreseeable danger.

Class Description of the UN number
1 Explosive substances: Materials that can explode UN 0338
UN 0503
2 Gases: Flammable, toxic or pressurised gases UN 1013
UN 1066
UN 1072
3 Flammable liquids: Liquids that burn easily UN 1202
4 Flammable solids: Highly flammable solids, self-igniting substances or substances
Substances or substances which, in contact with water, emit flammable gases
UN 1869
5 Oxidising substances: Substances that promote fire or organic peroxides that can be can be explosive UN 2014
6 Toxic substances: Toxic substances or infectious substances
(biological hazard)
UN 3373
7 Radioactive substances: Materials that emit radiation UN 2015
8 Corrosive substances: Substances that can attack skin or materials UN 1789
UN 1824
UN 1830
9 Miscellaneous hazardous substances and objects: Everything that does not fit into the other
other classes, but is nevertheless dangerous
UN 3480
UN 3481