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Here you will find a selection of our qualifications, certificates, licences and approvals for the transport of goods.

DIN ISO 9001:2015

Our quality management system has been consistently certified in accordance with DIN ISO 9001:ff for over 20 years and plays an important role in our company.

Certificate of the quality management system according to DIN ISO 9001

EU licence

Since 2002, we have held a Community licence, or EU licence for short, for Europe-wide transport operations requiring a licence for vehicles weighing 3.5t or more.

Licence for cross-border commercial goods traffic

Postal licence

Transporting letters to the postal centre requires a licence, which euro.COURIER has held since 2004.

Postal licence for the commercial transport of letters

Authorised transporter

ECL has been an authorised carrier for air freight since 2020.

Authorisation as a transporter of secure air freight; LBA Luftfahrtbundesamt

Radiation protection

With the licence for radiation protection, euro.COURIER can transport Class 7 radioactive materials.

Authorisation for the transport of radioactive materials by road

Waste licence

Waste transport and the transport of hazardous waste as part of courier and express shipments has been possible with euro.COURIER since 2015.

Licence for the transport of hazardous waste, waste transport

Animal transport licence

Small animals can be transported with euro.COURIER without hesitation, subject to compliance with animal welfare regulations.

Animal transport licence for small animals, birds, insects, food animals, poultry, pigeons, ornamental fish

Prequalification for public contracts

As a pre-qualified company, ECL is optimally positioned for the award of public contracts.

euro.COURIER is a prequalified company and is listed in the official register of the Chamber of Industry and Commerce (IHK)