
Available for you 24/7.

ECL euro.COURIER Logistics GmbH

Jagdschänkenstr. 100
D-09116 Chemnitz

Telephone: +49 371 844940


Hotline - Courier shipments

Overnight Express:
Telephone: +49 371 84494-55

Direct trips:
Telephone: +49 371 84494-33

Contact and request

Would you like to send something by direct delivery or overnight express? You can send us an uncomplicated freight enquiry here. A member of our dispatch team will contact you immediately and provide you with a quote. We will always look for the most favourable route for you without any loss of quality and in compliance with your deadlines. Please fill in the following fields as precisely as possible. The fields marked with * are mandatory.

Ihre Nachricht / Ihre Frachtanfrage


Hier haben Sie die Möglichkeit, uns Bilder zu Ihrer Anfrage zu senden (max. 5 MB).

Please add 5 and 7.

Hinweis: Die mit * gekennzeichneten Felder sind Pflichtfelder.